Friday 20 April 2012

20th April 2012!

Hide N Seek perfect on cloudy afternoons! 

Wow! It's pretty cloudy today!

Hopper asked me to play Hide N Seek with him!

I firstly found Drift!

Secondly Hopper himself!

Finally, I found Dizzy and claimed my prize,
a gyroid!

Dotty asked me to buy her a top, so I will
keep an eye out!

Thursday 19 April 2012

19th April 2012!

Drift Remembers Newry, I remember residents!

Today, I was chatting to Drift and he played
the Newry Town Tune for me!

He also shared the stories of his days in Newry!

I want a highlight reel too!

One of my blog posts is a visit to Newry. In
that post I showed you all the residents who lived
in W.Cross and moved to Newry. Now I am
showing all residents who have lived in W.Cross
from the start! (Dec 26th 2008) I think next time
I will show all the residents from Newry who
moved to W.Cross! There a 3 residents who have
lived in W.Cross from the start still here, the 1st is
Kitty who is snooty!

Next is Harry, who is grumpy!

Finally Rhonda, who is normal! Kitty is here too!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

17th April 2012!

Lucy moved, Wendel in town!

Lucy has packed her bags and left W.Cross! :(

Rhonda wondered if Pete was in town today!

Hopper told me Wendel is in town!

Rhonda seems to be obsessed with mail, first
wondering if Pete was in town (he wasn't) now
she is sending packages for me to deliver!

I checked out the notice board, the Flea Market
is coming!

Pinky asked me to get her some red furniture,
so I said yes!

Dotty was sad there was no gossip today!

I found Wendel and gave him a blue candy to eat,
which I had from Bunny Day. He gave me a colouring
(that's coloring for you Americans haha) boy!

Harry told me his cravings! 

Kitty wanted a new greeting, so I gave her a good
old Irish saying!

Finally, I gave Jeremiah the package Rhonda sent me for!

Sunday 15 April 2012

15th April 2012!

Winning & Losing!

I got a letter from Chip today, I won the fishing
tourney yesterday! Woo!

Kitty asked me to play Hide N Seek with her so
I said yes!

I found Pinky first, who hid in such an easy spot,
I thought she was not playing! She was right
outside Town Hall!

Next I found Kitty. She was in a much harder spot
between trees!

While searching for the final hider, I chatted to
Rhonda. She does not like Pinky very much...

I failed to find the final hider, Jeremiah. So I lost
Hide N Seek! 

Jeremiah told me he tries to go to Town Hall
during the day as he likes Pelly, and is scared
of Phyllis!

A notice was also put up for my victory! 

Pinky and Jeremiah were arguing who was cuter.
They asked me to pick, so I said ME! So I
could not upset either of them!

I put my trophy down in my basement!

The DLC Egg TV was in my pockets, so I put
it among the other egg items!

Hopper told me about Redd's Paintings!

Finally, I bought the flowers in Nookington's
and added them to the path! Wow, it's got so

Saturday 14 April 2012

14th April 2012!

Fishing Tourney and Shocking News!

I got a reminder that today is the Fishing Tourney!

It has been five days since I played, so I have a
lot of wilted flowers to bring back with the silver can!

Hopper is determined to win, he just needs to
stay focused! 

Although Rhonda thinks it's not about winning and
just having fun!

This is Drift's first fishing tourney in W.Cross, and
is hoping for beginner's luck! Drift moved from
Jolene's Town, Newry to here!

I called to visit Lucy and was shocked at what I
saw, she is moving!

Like Drift, Lucy also moved from Newry to W.Cross.
She wished me luck!

Here is Lucy's house, one last time!

I talked to Chip to enter the tourney. Dotty is winning
so far!

Rhonda gave me some advise, but then realized
she was shouting and not following the advise she just
gave to me! She said sorry for shouting though!

I went fishing by the beach. Luckily a fish was
waiting for me! It was a sea bass!

I had taken over Dotty by getting a bigger sea-bass
than her! I am in the lead, and got a kiddie wardrobe
from Chip!

I then relaxed at The Roost for a while to end the day!

Monday 9 April 2012

9th April 2012!

Hide N Seek, Fishing Tourney Coming Soon!

Today, Hopper asked me to find him some new clothes
so I will search for them in the next few days!

Rhonda told me she loves getting mail but
feels bad for Pete!

I noticed the yellow bird was on the notice board,
so I guess there's a new post!

The notice was that the Fishing Tourney is
coming to W.Cross this Saturday!

I bought flowers and added them to the path!

Kitty told me she plans to enter the Fishing
Tourney, and to watch out!

While watering the wilted flowers of the day, I
found a new pink cosmos!

Dotty asked me to play Hide N Seek with her,
Drift and Lucy!

I firstly found Lucy, who was behind Dizzy's House!

Next, I found Drift behind a sign-post!

Finally I found Dotty behind Nookinton's!

After accepting my gyroid prize, Lucy rushed over
to talk to me. She told me she wants to leave
W.Cross! I told her not to go, but she didn't change
her mind!

Drift noticed I got a basement in my house,
he's jealous!

Finally I talked to Lucy again, she is now unsure
of moving, so I told he not to go. But she still
has not made up her mind!